List Collections

[listcollection action="new list" columns="3"] 
[listcollection action="item" handle="camera" title="Idea books collection" href="#"] 
[listcollection action="item" handle="vr-gear" title="Idea books collection" href="#"] 
[listcollection action="item" handle="game-console" title="Idea books collection" href="#"] 
[listcollection action="end list"] 

Product list

[productlist title="Productlist" handle="frontpage" columnsProduct="4" limit="8" class="my-product-list" id="id-product-list"]


Carousel slider

[carousel action="new slider" class="my-carousel-1"] 
[carousel action="display indicators" total="3" active="1"]
[carousel action="display control"] 
[carousel action="new list slide"] 
[carousel action="new slide" active="active" ]
<img src="//" alt="altttttttt" >
<div class="carousel-caption" < Caption 1 >/div>                       
[carousel action="end slide"] 
[carousel action="new slide"] 
<img src="//" alt="altttttttt" >
<div class="carousel-caption" > Caption 2 >/div>
[carousel action="end slide"] 
[carousel action="new slide"] 
<img src="//" alt="altttttttt" >
<div class="carousel-caption" > Caption 3 >/div>
[carousel action="end slide"] 
[carousel action="end list slide"] 
[carousel action="end slider"]

Slick slider

[slick action="new slick slider" title="slider slick" columns="1" row="1"] 
[slick action="new item slick"] 
<img src="//" alt="altttttttt" >
<div class="carousel-caption" < Caption 1 >/div>   
[slick action="end item slick"]
[slick action="new item slick"]
<img src="//" alt="altttttttt" >
<div class="carousel-caption" > Caption 2 >/div>
[slick action="end item slick"]
[slick action="new item slick"]
<img src="//" alt="altttttttt" >
<div class="carousel-caption" > Caption 3 >/div>
[slick action="end item slick"] 
[slick action="end slick slider"]

slider slick

Product Carousel slider

[productcarousel title="Product list carousel" handle="fullwidth-list" item_in_page="4" columns_product="4" product_in_tab="16" interval="10000"]                   	

Product slick slider

[productslick title="Product list slick" handle="frontpage" row="1" columns_product="4" product_in_list="8" interval="10000"]

Product list slick


[accordion action="new accordions" class="demoaccordion"] 
[accordion action="new accordion" title="accordion title sample 1" active="1"]
 You can add html 
[accordion action="end accordion"] 
[accordion action="new accordion" title="accordion title sample 2"]
You can add other shortcode 
[accordion action="end accordion"]
[accordion action="new accordion" title="accordion title sample 3"]
You can add image
[accordion action="end accordion"] 
[accordion action="end accordions"] 
You can add other shortcode
You can add image

Default Tab Align

[tab action="new tabs" ]
[tab action="new cover-tab-list"]
[tab action="new tab-list" title="Tab 1" active="active"]
[tab action="new tab-list" title="Tab 2"]
[tab action="new tab-list" title="Tab 3"] 
[tab action="new tab-list" title="Tab 4"] 
[tab action="end cover-tab-list"] 
[tab action="new tab-content"] 
[tab action="new tab-panel" active="active"] 
Content tab 1 [tab action="end tab-panel"] 
[tab action="new tab-panel"] 
Content tab 2 
[tab action="end tab-panel"] 
 [tab action="new tab-panel"] 
Content tab 3 
[tab action="end tab-panel"]
[tab action="new tab-panel"] 
Content tab 4 
[tab action="end tab-panel"] 
[tab action="end tab-content"] 
[tab action="end tabs"]                     
Content tab 1
Content tab 2
Content tab 3
Content tab 4

Tab below

[tabbelow action="new tabs" ] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-content"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-panel" active="active"] 
Content tab 1 [tabbelow action="end tab-panel"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-panel"] 
Content tab 2 
[tabbelow action="end tab-panel"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-panel"] 
Content tab 3 
[tabbelow action="end tab-panel"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-panel"] 
Content tab 4 
[tabbelow action="end tab-panel"] 
[tabbelow action="end tab-content"] 
[tabbelow action="new cover-tab-list"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-list" title="Tab 1" active="active"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-list" title="Tab 2"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-list" title="Tab 3"] 
[tabbelow action="new tab-list" title="Tab 4"] 
[tabbelow action="end cover-tab-list"] 
[tabbelow action="end tabs"] 
Content tab 1
Content tab 2
Content tab 3
Content tab 4

Tab Vertical

[tabvertical action="new tabs" ]
[tabvertical action="new cover-tab-list"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-list" title="Tab 1" active="active"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-list" title="Tab 2"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-list" title="Tab 3"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-list" title="Tab 4"]
[tabvertical action="end cover-tab-list"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-content"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-panel" active="active"]
Content tab 1
[tabvertical action="end tab-panel"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-panel"]
Content tab 2
[tabvertical action="end tab-panel"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-panel"]
Content tab 3
[tabvertical action="end tab-panel"]
[tabvertical action="new tab-panel"]
Content tab 4
[tabvertical action="end tab-panel"]
[tabvertical action="end tab-content"]
[tabvertical action="end tabs"]                     
Content tab 1
Content tab 2
Content tab 3
Content tab 4


[alert type="success" message="This is alert type Success"]
[alert type="info" message="This is alert type Info"] 
[alert type="warning" message="This is alert type Warning"]
[alert type="danger" message="This is alert type Danger"]

Instagram shortcode

[instagram class="demo-instagram" title="Demo Instagram" clientId="f771ffd9812544e99d187d82867f84a2" accessToken="5894711894.f771ffd.a0204731c7e14f36949635f50922a0d7" get="user" userId="5894711894" limit="10" resolution="low_resolution" slick="enable" row="1" column="4"]                    

Demo Instagram

Facebook shortcode

[facebook idPage="apollotheme"]

Youtube shortcode

[youtube width="600" height="350" video="aE7-KZVXvJs"]


[box action="new boxs]
[box action="new box" class="box-default" width="3"]
[box action="new header"] 
The header box 
[box action="end header"] 
[box action="new content"] 
Our graphic design services are stellar, too 
[button type="primary" text="Learn more →" url=""] 
[box action="end content"]
[box action="end box"]
[box action="new box" class="box-default" width="3"]
[box action="new header"] 
The header box 
[box action="end header"] 
[box action="new content"] 
Our graphic design services are stellar, too 
[button type="primary" text="Learn more →" url=""]
[box action="end content"] 
[box action="end box"] 
[box action="new box" class="box-default" width="3"]
[box action="new header"]
The header box 
[box action="end header"]
[box action="new content"] 
Our graphic design services are stellar, too 
[button type="primary" text="Learn more →" url=""]
[box action="end content"] 
[box action="end box"]  
[box action="end boxs]
The header box
Our graphic design services are stellar, too
The header box
Our graphic design services are stellar, too
The header box
Our graphic design services are stellar, too

Button Type [button type="default" text="Default" url=""] 
[button type="primary" text="Primary"] [button type="success" text="Success"]
[button type="Info" text="Info"]
[button type="Danger" text="Danger"] 
[button type="Link" text="Link" url="" isOpen="isOpen"] 
Button Size [button type="default" text="Default size large" size="lg"] 
[button type="primary" text="Primary size default"]
[button type="success" text="Success size small" size="sm"] 
[button type="Info" text="Info size extra small" size="xs"] 
Button Block [button type="Danger" text="Danger size block" isBlock="block"] 
Button Link [button type="default" text="Default and link" url=""] 
[button type="primary" text="Primary and link open new tab" url="" isOpen="isOpen"]                    
Button type
Button Size
Button Block
Button Link


 [line class="hr-default" size="1"]
 [line class="hr-green" size="10"]                    


 [lookbook action="new lookbook" urlimage="//" total-dot="3"] 
                    [lookbook action="new dot" number="1" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="20" left="40" position="bottom"] 
                    [lookbook action="end dot"]
                    [lookbook action="new dot" number="2" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="50" left="30" position="right"]
                    [lookbook action="end dot"] 
                    [lookbook action="new dot" number="3" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="60" left="40" position="top"] 
                    [lookbook action="end dot"]
                    [lookbook action="end lookbook"]

Lookbook slider

     [lookbookslide action="new lookbook slide" toshow="3" toscroll="1" centerMode="true" variableWidth="true"]
                    [lookbookslide action="new lookbook" urlimage="" total-dot="3"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="1" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="20" left="40" position="bottom"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"]
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="2" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="50" left="30" position="right"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="3" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="60" left="40" position="top"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end lookbook"]
                    [lookbookslide action="new lookbook" urlimage="" total-dot="3"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="1" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="20" left="40" position="bottom"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"]
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="2" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="50" left="30" position="right"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="3" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="60" left="40" position="top"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end lookbook"]
                    [lookbookslide action="new lookbook" urlimage="" total-dot="3"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="1" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="20" left="40" position="bottom"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"]
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="2" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="50" left="30" position="right"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="new dot" number="3" producthandle="canon-1dx-mark-ii" top="60" left="40" position="top"] 
                    [lookbookslide action="end dot"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end lookbook"]
                    [lookbookslide action="end lookbook slide"]


          [testimonial action="new testimonial slide" toshow="1" toscroll="1" centerMode="false" variableWidth="false"]

          [testimonial action="new testimonial"]  
          [testimonial action="image" urlimage="// ]
          [testimonial action="quote" quote="Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers."] 
          [testimonial action="name" name="Author name"]
          [testimonial action="end testimonial"]

          [testimonial action="new testimonial"]  
          [testimonial action="image" urlimage="//] 
          [testimonial action="quote" quote="Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers."] 
          [testimonial action="name" name="Author name"]
          [testimonial action="end testimonial"]

          [testimonial action="new testimonial"] 
          [testimonial action="image" urlimage="//]
          [testimonial action="quote" quote="Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers."] 
          [testimonial action="name" name="Author name"]
          [testimonial action="end testimonial"]

          [testimonial action="end testimonial slide"]     
Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers.
Author name
Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers.
Author name
Add customer reviews and testimonials to showcase your store’s happy customers.
Author name

Team work

          [teamwork action="new teamwork" column="4" toshow="4" toscroll="4" centerMode="false" variableWidth="false"]

          [teamwork action="new member"]  
          [teamwork action="image" urlimage="" ]
          [teamwork action="name" name="Jane Angela"]
          [teamwork action="info" info="CEO & Founder"] 
		  [teamwork action="social" facebookurl="" twitterurl="" instagramurl=""  pinteresturl=""  vimeourl=""  youtubeurl=""  google-plusurl=""  tumblrurl=""  snapchaturl="" ] 
          [teamwork action="end member"]

          [teamwork action="new member"]  
          [teamwork action="image" urlimage="" ]
          [teamwork action="name" name="Christina Jolie"]
          [teamwork action="info" info="Chief of marketing."] 
		  [teamwork action="social" facebookurl="" twitterurl="" instagramurl=""  pinteresturl=""  vimeourl=""  youtubeurl=""  google-plusurl=""  tumblrurl=""  snapchaturl="" ] 
          [teamwork action="end member"]

          [teamwork action="new member"]  
          [teamwork action="image" urlimage=""]
          [teamwork action="name" name="Britney"]
          [teamwork action="info" info="Art director"] 
		  [teamwork action="social" facebookurl="" twitterurl="" instagramurl=""  pinteresturl=""  vimeourl=""  youtubeurl=""  google-plusurl=""  tumblrurl=""  snapchaturl="" ] 
          [teamwork action="end member"]
          [teamwork action="new member"]  
          [teamwork action="image" urlimage="" ]
          [teamwork action="name" name="Britney"]
          [teamwork action="info" info="Art director"] 
		  [teamwork action="social" facebookurl="" twitterurl="" instagramurl=""  pinteresturl=""  vimeourl=""  youtubeurl=""  google-plusurl=""  tumblrurl=""  snapchaturl="" ] 
          [teamwork action="end member"]

          [teamwork action="end teamwork"]     

Jane Angela

CEO & Founder

Christina Jolie

Chief of marketing.


Art director


Art director

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